Friday, February 07, 2020

  "If I wished to disgust a community with any particular idea, I would set a person talking about it and advocating it who would talk of nothing else. If I wished to ruin a cause completely, I would have a person thrust it into everyone's face, who would refuse to see any objections to it, who would accuse all opponents of unworthy motives, and who would thus exhibit his absolute slavery to it. Men have an instinct which tells them that such people as these are not trustworthy; that their sentiments and opinions are as valueless as those of children. If they talk with a pleasant spirit, we good-naturedly tolerate them; if they rant and scold and denounce, we hiss them, if we think it's worth while, or we applaud them as we would the feats of a dancing bear. If they say devilish things in a  heavenly sort of way, we hear them with a certain kind of pleasure, and take our revenge by despising them, and feeling malicious toward the cause they advocate." Timothy Titcomb.   

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