Monday, February 03, 2020

This is such a great story! I have to share it!

 I take a woman with me to the jail at times, to share her testimony of heart wrenching loss and soul bursting redemption. I finished preaching and it was "Ok" but more than a usual amount of distractions. And one guy at the very back was sprawled out and may have even slept! But when Sarah began and poured out her story with passion and tears, this guy began to listen. She shared a story of how a friend of hers was filled with so much toxic shame over his past that each time he would go by his mirror and look at himself, he would spit on his reflection. He was filled with self-loathing.
After the service this kid from the back came up to Sarah and wanted prayer but he was so overcome with emotion he could scarcely get out a word as his shoulders heaved and tears poured out and his voice was trembling and choking out his attempt to speak. The thing that broke him was the story of the guy that would spit on his reflection in the mirror. He was crying, Sarah was crying and all of heaven was too! And to think I could have stayed home and watched the ball game and missed the greatest match of all, Christ, stomping the head of the serpent!!!!

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