"His word was with Power." Lu. 4:32
What does that mean? What did that power look like? What did it consist of? Is it something beyond what humans can have? Here is the best explanation I've ever heard that describes the power of Jesus.
"Power, energy, efficiency, this is the endowment Jesus had and used to communicate truth. I mean that strong action of the understanding, conscience, and heart on moral and religious truth by which the preacher is quickened and qualified to awaken the same strong action in others. I mean energy of thought and feeling creating an appropriate expression, and propagating itself to the hearer. The power to arrest the attention, to arouse emotion, and give a new spring to the soul.
Jesus had a power to cause strong action of the intellect, vividness of ideas and conceptions, depth of conviction, and force of feeling.
Jesus had more than knowledge, he had force of thought, feeling and purpose. The word of God is indeed "quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword."
In Christ's power we see the earnestness of real warfare; bent on the accomplishment of great good that fit men and women to act on humanity, to make themselves felt in society. I mean power to act on intelligent and free beings, by means proportioned to their nature. I mean power to call into healthy exertion the intellect, conscience, affections and moral will of the hearer. He spoke of the soul, the ray of the Divinity, the partaker of God's own immortality; He spoke of God, the King and Father Eternal, whose praise no tongue of men or angels can worthily set forth.
Jesus spoke with an energy needed to break through the barriers of pride and self-love, and to place the individual before a tribunal in his own breast, as solemn and searching as that which awaits him at the last day.
The power of Jesus roused men to self-conflict, to warfare with the evil in their own hearts. This is in truth the supreme evil. The sorest calamities of life are caused by that one word, sin, revolt from God, in disloyalty to conscience, in the tyranny of the passions, in the slavery of the souls's noblest powers. To redeem men from sin was Christ's great end. To pierce them with a new consciousness of sin, so that they shall groan under it and strive against it, and through prayer and watching master it."
This described power is given to us by the Holy Spirit to reach every generation, regardless of how evil or corrupt, and far from God they are.
Abridged - William Ellery Channing.
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