Saturday, July 31, 2021

Simple tips to make parenting fun

  Parenting is so demanding, especially when the kids are young. We all need time alone as well as time with our spouse, and a date night is like marriage insurance! 

  If you have more than one child here are some ideas to make the routine tasks more fun. Grocery shopping is a great time to get away with only one child when your spouse is there to watch the other. It is so much fun, for you and the child, to go shopping together when you show them what you look for in the foods you buy. It is fun to be thumping watermelons together, smelling the fruit, checking for bruises, assessing the size and weighing them in the scales. When walking the aisles have them read the labels to see which is the best buy per ounce, teach them to read the ingredient labels and why you choose certain brands. Keep them out of the cart when they are old enough to keep up, but choose times when you are not rushed. And of course let them pick out a treat to take home and share with the others. 

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