Monday, May 02, 2022

    I understand the sentiments that we need more Bible preached from the pulpit today, but I also believe that the wisdom, insights, understanding, and power that we see in the New Testament church didn't end with the Apostles. Or to quote another -- "Moral greatness did not die out with the Apostles. Their lives were reported for this, among other things, that their virtues might be propagated to future times, and that men and women might spring up as worthy a place among the canonized as themselves."

  Christianity has produced men, and women, who walked in nearly the same anointing that the Apostles did, gallons of blood flowed from the martyrs, the gospel has been spread into the darkest parts of the world, revivals have swept towns and countries by the same power working through men long since the apostolic ages. To think, even for a second, that God stopped equipping men and women to lead, to give example, to inspire and to do world changing things is simply to not have read church history. Even today God is distributing his "Gifts" to edify and lift up the blood stained banner of Christ in ways that most of us can only dream of doing. The preachers today, most of which are but a husk of their predecessors, view the Bible from the light that was given from past power filled men of God that displayed the same anointing that the apostles did, they, and even we, have the ability by the Holy Spirit "to do even greater things." 

Of course we preach Bible first and foremost; but what Christian hears and understands all they heard??? None, that's why we have "teachers." So then, choose your "teachers" well, and few today, if any, come anywhere near those of the past.

 John McArthur is hailed as a great Bible teacher, but he is merely an echo of the Reformers of the 1,600s, the host of Puritans that shaped McArthur's thinking and permeate his sermons put him to shame. Same with John Piper, R.C. Sproul, shoot, all the revered preachers today grew up reading the Christian greats of yesteryear. Every one. 

 Will you let this massive tide of intellect, inspiration and wisdom fall further from the church they influenced. I would far rather hear a sermon from one of the greats of the past preached today instead of the shallow pablum we hear in nearly all churches today. Mercy, read the Bible, but also read, quote and emulate the great saints of all ages. Dip your finger into Thomas Brooks, Thomas Watson, Richard Sibbes, Jeremy Taylor, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, George Matheson, and the countless others that changed their world and influenced the church forever. 

  Forgive me for the rant, but much of the church today is a mile wide and an inch deep because they neglected the world changers of the past. God bless their sacrifice, spilled blood, tortured bodies, inspired minds, hours of dedication and holiness which few today hold a candle to.

You may object and say, "Just preach the Bible!" No preacher just recites or reads scripture, they expound scripture, they explain the meaning as they understand it; and that is as good, or as bad, as the man preaching it. God forbid that any of us would ever be spoon fed by one man's interpretation, as admirable as he may be.                   An uneducated laity does not glorify God. "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel, To understand a proverb and a figure, The words of the wise and their riddles." Pr. 1 Again, I understand the sentiments, many pulpits today have drifted so far from the Bible they are not much more than a "Ted Talk".

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