Monday, November 28, 2022


  I'm reading John C. Maxwell's book, "Change Your World";  I first heard him on James Dobson thirty years ago, and I've never forgotten his stories, his infectious enthusiasm and joy. This book delivers the goods; written for Christian and non-Christian alike. 

   Most Christians have a sense of urgency about the times we live; and many have devoted themselves to political hopes, others sigh and say, the End is near, it's a sign of the times.... But we have a better hope, not spinach like Popeye, our "spinach" is the power of the Holy Spirit to change people, communities and worlds. 

We have this power in earthen vessels and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Only our procrastination, excuses and lack of vision can defeat us. "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. It takes courage to believe the best is yet to come. That courageous faith will help us to win tomorrow. But we find it when we allow ourselves to feel the urgency of today." 

  Maxwell visited an at-risk school and a third grader named Ethan asked him, "Do you ever feel, deep down here [pointing to his heart] that you want to help people and make a difference?"                      He couldn't believe it! He responded, "Ethan, that's exactly the way I feel! "Every day deep down in my heart I want to make a difference."

  Maxwell goes on to share a story about Rob, a close friend of his who took a wrong turn and he entered a small urban community called Avondale. 

As Rob drove around what he saw arrested his attention. He witnessed a drug deal, prostitutes soliciting customers in the middle of the day, gang members holding court with school age boys who should have been in class, and moms clearly under the influence watching passively as bunches of children ran around on their lawns.

 "I felt angry," Rob said. I was angry at the condition of my community. Right across the street from my work were people suffering, trapped by their circumstances. I felt the pain of those father's, unable to provide for their kids. I was angry at the waste of human potential. Angry because I knew these children, through no fault of their own, were trapped in a societal prison of poverty, abuse and neglect. But I was also angry at myself, angry that I hadn't seen what was happening right in front of me. It deeply convicted me that although I was helping kids around the world, I had failed to see that hopelessness lived next door." 

Avondale ranked in the bottom 1 percent of U.S. neighborhoods for safety, with 776 crimes per square mile per year, in contrast to the rest of the U.S. at 50 per square mile. 

He organized some like minded people and after research etc., they opened an after school reading program for kids and adults, they organized classes in English as a second language, hosted health fairs, taught interviewing skills to job seekers, helped feed families in need and provided mentors to help people grow. They found the number one determinant of whether kids graduate from High school is Third grade literacy. How many have the gift of teaching within the church!

Let me share one moving story about a student we'll call Haylee, she found hope and healing in a desperate situation. She was being raised by her grandmother because her mother was a drug addict, and her father was in jail. Working multiple jobs and trying to do the best she could for her granddaughter, Haylee's grandmother enrolled her in the new after school care school. It has become a safe, secure place for her, and Haylee has been growing and thriving. But then last year, Haylee's grandma received a call that the girls's mom had passed away from a drug overdose. It's traumatic for a child to lose a parent, and even harder when its to drug addiction. However, Haylee is going to be okay because she is in a place filed with love and support. 

  A friend of the school who offers free counseling to any kids who need it, has been doing grief counseling with Haylee. When Haylee shared with the counselor that she wanted a punching bag and gloves to help her work through her intense feelings, someone in the school community made sure Haylee received those items. Word also got out about the death of Haylee's mom, and complete strangers raised money to give to Haylee's grandma for her care. While the money won't fix all the problems they face, it will definitely alleviate some stressors during a hard time." 

  In short, if you feel, 

"It's all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!" 

Then put your faith in Christ, not our political machine, seek places where you can share your love and talents to help change your community. You may save a life and you are sure to hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." 

All schools need teacher's helpers, all missions need Spirit filled Christians to come alongside the men and women in the programs; there are widows, orphans, destitute, handicapped, sick, imprisoned, strangers, hungry people at our door. Who will help? If not you, then who? If not now, then when? 

Be salt, be light, and see if Christ does not honor His promise --  "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over."


 One last thought to ponder: Unless you want to help people whether they become a Christian or not, your love is still in infancy.

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