"I like to have pieces of fine handicraft around me - old violins, vases, wood carvings, silverware. And, when I am fed up with the wranglings of spellbinders, diplomats, and reformers, and when the preaching of the sectarians seem empty and childish, and when the clanging and clashing of strikes, lockouts and wars make my head ache, and when radio commentators commentate and announcers announce with too much zest, then I like to go among my treasures, and catch the quiet spirit of the artist who created them. What patience and loving care is reflected in these works. How far removed they seem from the sound and fury of the power-mad world......" Tony Wons
I really like this piece, and whether it is among the man-made crafts or the crafts made by God, here is where my soul is often restored.
Photo by Philippe Baud
Great picture, and great post, Fred!
I think sitting in your den looking at that fine library you have would be like that for me... When I'm feeling overwhelmed with life and that the noise and chaos is crowding in on me, I love to go down to the river by my work and be mesmerized by its ceaseless flowing.
Hi Mel,
Mmmm, yes, the chuckling of the water is therapy indeed. I can see by the beautiful pictures of nature you post on your blog that God speaks to you in a clear voice through his artistic hand of nature.
Thank you Lord for the greatest gifts of all, for all, and without cost.
God bless,
Hi Fred :)
This excellent post of yours make me understand the importance of having hobbies. Hobbies will always refresh a tired person by diverting his mind from the pressures of life. It can be handicrafts, it can be gardening, it can be collecting old coins or postage stamps etc.
Many thanks for sharing along with a lovely photo.
Have a good day :)
Luv it, luv it...stealing it, stealing it....
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your comments, and I couldn't agree more. Whether it's the garden, or pets for some I can think of, or like you say, coins or stamps, something where we can retreat from the madness we're confronted with daily.
I'll take the garden and the library.
God bless,
Hi Eric,
Please take it, our weekend together was a wonderful draught of this very thought.
Love Dad
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