"We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are." Balzac

When I ran across this quote I could not deny the truth in it. I wonder, do we exaggerate our misfortune for sympathy and our happiness out of pride?
I know we are tempted to exaggerate our spirituality as well. Come to think of it, we probably exaggerate just about everything about us!
We are a piece of work!
Top two photos from the Internet, bottom by Silvia Bratanova
That is simply because we are too focused on "self" and too focused on a "temporal reality" and somehow think we "deserve" to be happy. We are pathetic!
O' the "man-centeredness" of man.
Been there, done that... I do try, however, to speak and write as honestly as possible, without exaggeration. I think it's possible to exaggerate less pervasively when we're simply aware of the tendency in us. Also, it helps to remember that when we're listening to other peoples' stories... I always tell my kids to listen to what other kids say with a grain of salt, knowing that there probably is at least some truth in what they're hearing, but there's probably also a good deal of "spicing up."
My own kids are terrible at exaggeration, especially when they can add a bit to whatever saying to make it particularly shocking or striking or whatever. I'm ashamed to say it, but they almost seem gleefully delighted when they can seize a grain of truth and use it to bring embarassment or judgment to someone else. I pray that God will open their eyes to see seriousness of the heart decay this behaviour reveals, and also that He will give me and others the grace to love and not judge them.
The Quote is 100% correct. It's a practical thought.
At the end of the day...it's all about +ve thinking.
Ill be back.
Anand. :-)
Hi Fred :)
When we have misfortune we want the support, sympathy and love of others and when we are happy we want to make others jealous.
Excellent quote truly depicting human nature.
The first photo is amazing. The man appears to be pushing that huge load effortlessly.
Have a good day.
Joseph :)
A person who feels they must exaggerate their circumstances in order to be heard...is not pathetic but just feels unheard. They just haven't come to the realization that God hears and balances out the need for man's sympathy. I don't believe this is a permanent state of mind but a temporal one for those seeking God.
And I believe that quotes that create us to focus on our humaness and our "pathetic" state without adding the balance of God's Grace (which brings us to higher thinking), doesn't help in our journey to dig ourselves out of the trenches of mediocrity. It may accurately bond us together in our humaness, but it doesn't bring us closer to the Truth and the freedom that God wants us to live in.
Should I go back into being a hermit now? :)))
Hi Everyone,
Well, this little quote got a variety of responses, no doubt it rings true with all of us to some degree.
Anyway, I think it is funny and I grew up with friends that added lots of spice to any state they were in or spoke about. I suppose that is one of the reasons I liked them, they were never boring, like the picture of the kids riding the jets, now that makes a story!
Hey Fred,
Glad u liked the trick and if it can earn u a few easy bucks or make grand children happy..it's like a bonus.
And the trick IS possible but be warned u mite have to handle a hell lotta publicity. :-)
Lemme know if u succeed btw.
And oh..my blog face has changed since the time u commented last...done some plastic surgery and is lookin kinda neater, clearer and better now. How 'bout a peek in and a bit of review? I'd love that.
Im visitin u more now.
Andy. ;-)
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