A Fortune in Good Manners
"When Ezekiel Whitman, a prominent lawyer, and graduate of Harvard, was elected to the Massachusetts legislature, he came to Boston from his farm in countryman’s dress, and went to a hotel in Boston. He entered the parlor and sat down, when he overheard the remark between some ladies and gentlemen:
“Ah, here comes a real homespun countryman. Here’s fun.” They asked him all sorts of queer questions, tending to throw ridicule upon him, when he arose and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to wish you health and happiness, and may you grow better and wiser in advancing years, bearing in mind that outward appearances are deceitful. You mistook me, from my dress, for a country booby; while I, from the same superficial cause, thought you were ladies and gentlemen.
The mistake has been mutual.” Just then Governor Caleb Strong entered and called to Mr. Whitman, who, turning to the dumbfounded company, said: “I wish you a very good evening.”
I like little random stories like this, hope you do as well.
It caused me to linger over the picture I chose and try and see more than what first struck me.
Orison Swett Marden - Photo by Manuel Libres Librodo Jr.
Great story, Fred! I would read it to my kids, but I suspect they'd get hung up on the word "booby." Different connotations today, you know... :)
This aspect of human nature, to judge outward appearances and huddle in little groups to poke fun and have a laugh at another person's expense have caused me to stay away from groups of people whenever possible. It turns my stomach. But I now see that it was cowardly of me to avoid those situations... I should have sought them out, and asked God to shed light and truth into those circumstances through me if He had so chosen... Maybe He'll give me more chances.
Many blessings to you and yours, today and always!
yes this is a good one. Its sadly way true for all of us at one point or another to judge someone by their outer appearance. You know Jesus today if he were like back then would be the homeless man that everyone would ignore and think was crazy. I like this post allot!
Hi Fred,
This is indeed a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it. I wish judging others wasn't so intrinsic to our very human nature, as many other sinful behaviors are. This is one I struggle with often, though I have gotten much better. I find more often than not that I am judging others for judging me, catch the irony in that one?!
We can all learn a very valuable lesson from Mr. Whitman and this story...he was truly acting as Christ would by wishing his 'accusers' well in the face of their sinful judgments. I do like that he called them out on it though, LOL!
Bravo...brilliant post.
God bless you Fred!
Hi Mel,
It is a good story isn't it? I think you may find another word than "Booby" to share the story with. Odd huh? Oh well, times change.
I suspect we will all have many more chances to make a difficult situation profitable. Be that as it may, I still get tinges when in crowds. I guess I need more practice.
Bless you Mel,
Hi Mary,
I think you are so right, we would probably walk right by Christ if he were here today or we would miss him altogether because he would doubtless be around less than desireable people. Hope not.
Love Fred
Hi Tudy,
You are welcome, and thanks for your comments, and it is ironic that we would judge those that judge us, but I can totally relate, go figger...
God bless,
Hi Fred:)
Gorgeous photo! Reminded me of Mother Teresa with all wrinkles on her face.
Very interesting post. Very often we judge people by their appearance which of course is very wrong. The Jews did not appreciate Jesus because he looked and lived a poor man. The Jews could not believe the great teachings of Christ because of HIS poor appearance.
Once a customer came to our office dresses very poorly and wanted to know the price of a very expensive machine. We ofcourse did not give much importance to him and did not even bother to make him sit. We told him the price very casually. He then wanted to know how much advance money is needed to book the order. Even at this stage we did not bother about him because we thought he was troubling us. Again we told him the advance amount required to book the order without paying any attention to him. He totally surprised, shocked and astonished us by taking out the advance amount from his old worn out bag and told us to book the order. You can imagine a situation like this!
Have a wonderful day Fred:)
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