But, I finally got mine out of the hospital and I can post once more, yippee! I can't access my email, which is what the picture is referencing; when will Mr. Gates figure out how to make a truly user friendly computer that helps poor computer illiterate souls like me? In my lifetime I hope.
A lot has happened since my last post, I found another job after 26 years working for the same place. I got a lead on a job with Teen Challenge, which is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program started by David Wilkerson and the Assembly of God church. Students, (people who volunteer for the 9 month program), after de-tox, are put right to work; one of those places is in a Thrift Store where they receive goods, help sort merchandise, price, deliver and pickup, and all the tasks necessary for the business. The Thrift Store provides nearly half the funds for the program and Teen Challenge needed someone to oversee and manage the men and the business. The men need to learn business ethics, successful life skills and of course need Godly counsel and encouragement to succeed in their commitment to overcome their addiction. I interviewed for the job and as God would have it, I was hired. Praise His name! I am so enthused and can't wait to begin - start date July 16th. So please pray that I would walk in the wisdom of God as I work with the men and work to grow the business so others will have the opportunity to join the program. There is no cost to the men, and women, in the program. So funding is a very important part of success.
Now I will spend the balance of the evening trying to get the other functions of my computer up to speed.
Picture from the Internet
Congratulations Fred! That is very wonderful news. I think you will be blessed to work for such an amazing program. I have heard a lot about this organization and all of it has been good. I will pray that your new job blesses you greatly and have no doubt you will be a blessing to all of those you work with!
God bless you!
Hi Fred:)
This is really amazing! After 26 years you decided to change job. This is really fantastic.
I worked for a company for almost 30 years and I became a fixed asset like table and chairs. Sometimes juniors got promotion over me because management thought that I will never leave the job whether I got promotion or not.
My children laugh at me. They say I was struggling to make both ends meet and they are comparing their salary with mine. They say I got a pittance for working so many years.
I wish you all success in your new job. You have tremendous experience and I hope you will be able to make use of it.
My prayers and best wishes:)
Welcome back, Fred, you were greatly missed! Congratulations on the Teen Challenge job! You're going to be so great at it, I'm incredibly excited for you and grateful that God has given you the this privilege and opportunity.
I've read "Run Baby Run" and seen and heard the local Teen Challenge boys at our church several times. The book and the testimonies of the guys who have been set free through the ministry of Teen Challenge have left an indelible mark on my life. I'm so glad you're going to be part of that ministry. God is so good!! :)
Hi Fred, Trudy again! Pop over to my blog when you have some time, I have an award for you!
Fred I am very familiar with Teen Challenge. GREAT JOB!! I know you can do the job. You are def the right man for the job. So excited for you.
I think you are talented to work for such an amazing program.. Congratulations....
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for the congratulations, I think I will be blessed and I appreciate your prayers that I will be a blessing to those in the program.
I will check out your site and see what award you have for me, cool!
God bless,
Hi Joseph,
Yes, it is amazing that this opportunity came up, and my first thoughts were to stay in the known where I am comfortable and secure, although greatly unfulfilled.
I felt much like you described in your job that you held for 30 years! Your children may consider your salary a pittance but to be employed steadily in honest work for thirty years is highly commendable in my book. I doubt they ever had a table lacking food.
I appreciate your prayers,
Hi Mel,
Good to be back and I agree with you, I feel it is a privilage to work for them, thank you Lord!!!
Thank the Lord for the good work the Assemblies has done in supporting this good work.
I think I read Run Baby Run years ago as well, wasn't that written by Nicky Cruz, one of the gang members that Wilkerson first led to the Lord?
Thanks for you encouraging words,
God bless you Mel,
Hi Mary,
I am excited as well, I think about it incessantly, can't wait to start and finally be part of something that has eternal consequences.
Love Fred
Hi Susan,
Thank you as well for your kind words, it truly is an amazing program.
God bless,
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