I'm so eager to share but my new work schedule has been so demanding initially, that I have found little time to blog. That being so I do want to share the story of one of the guys at the center. I have some misgivings about sharing because it is so personal; but he will remain anonymous, but even so it gives me a tinge of discomfort. I have been talking with as many guys as I can to get to know them so I can better serve them. I began a conversation and this young man was very open as we talked on the floor. He began to tell me of his drug use and some things that had happened in his past; he mentioned he was very close with his parents, and had a happy childhood when his father suddenly left the family and could no longer stand to be married, he went on and then told me he was driving down the road one night and a girl who apparently was trying to commit suicide, had laid down in the street and at 65 miles an hour, he ran over her and killed her; as he mentioned this his face grimaced and I immediately asked him to come to my office and talk further; the floor was nowhere to discuss this.
I asked him to go on with his story and the last significant piece was after he had reunited with his father, who he loved very much, he visited him and lived with him on and off as I recall, but his father's health began to dwindle. His father had good days and an equal amount of bad days, but on one day in particular his aunt was visiting and was alarmed how sickly his father looked, and suggested he take him to the doctor. He had seen his father look poorly many times and told her he felt there was no need to take him to the doctor, it was just another bad day for him. Later that afternoon, he went to the store for a quick purchase, but when he returned his father had died.
I wanted to talk with this young man because I noticed that he had difficulty making eye contact and I didn't know if this was because he was guilty about something or ashamed; I realized that it was shame. I talked with him about it in detail and he poured out his heart. I sensed a close presence of God as we talked and I believe Christ gave me the encouraging words that He wanted this man to hear. Needless to say my heart went out to him and I was so gratified to hear the next day, as he approached me, that the things we discussed were of great comfort to him.
I have never been around so many men who have suffered so grievously, and each one has a story, and in that story a starting place where hurt began a destructive course. This organization is a life blood for these men and Jesus is the center of the ministry, and He is there with all His tender mercies and full glory.
Picture of the beginning of a new life by Guenter Eh