"Oh Mother! because you are in the household, it does not follow that you are not also in the pulpit. There are these open pulpits; there are these domestic pulpits. The candle that is lit for your table in the cottage, and gives its light there first, shines out of the window also, and throws its rays far down the road, and the weary traveler sees them, and plucks up courage, and says, "There is succor at last!" and follows the light, and finds your house, and is rescued. And while you are giving yourself to your children in sweetness, and love, and prayer and trust, a light shines down the road, to those that have lost their way, and many a soul may be brought, by your example, home to Jesus.
Do not be discouraged because you have not an ampler sphere of testimony. Live, love, trust, and wait, and ere long forever and forever triumph and rejoice!"
When I ran across this quote my heart wed to it. I know so many mothers who have a heart that burns for the Savior; longs to serve Him in the fullest way, and at times feels as though motherhood abbreviates their service. Oh but it is not so. Where will the strong Christian leaders be formed if not from devoted mothers. And as this quote states, during this season of service to Christ and family, the home is a pulpit and your mission is not limited in scope, but may reach across the world with your devotion and sacrifice to your family. It is a light, and a light so needed in these days of crumbling home life.
Henry Ward Beecher, and tender photo of motherhood by Jose A. Gallego
This is a beautiful post and the picture is amazing! Thanks for sharing this with us Fred. I truly believe that a mother can be the heart of the home...I know mine sure was! I hope to be that same mother and joyful servant someday!
God bless you!
Excellent and the same for fathers too.
Hi Fred:)
Very thought provoking post and a lovely photo.
It is mothers who shape their children, just as Mother Mary did. Children learn a lot from their mothers. Mothers are in a unique position to train, educate, mold their children to greatness.
But in these days when both parents are working, the attention children get from their working parents will be very limited. Mothers are harassed and overburdened with office problems. They want to rest and relax at home. No one can blame the mothers for this situation because it has become necessary for both parents to work to meet ends meet. So now both father and mother will have to spend quality time with the children.
Have a nice day Fred:)
Oh Fred... Sigh... Thank you for posting this. I needed to read it today. It's going on my fridge (if there's any room left, that is...) May God help me to keep this vision at the forefront of my thought and motivation.
Many blessings to you and yours,
Hi Trudy,
You are so lucky to have had a mother that nurtured and loved you when growing up, so many lack that today.
I'm sure her legacy of love will shine through you as well.
God bless,
Amen Matt, same for fathers too.
No question parenting is demanding for both parents and limits us in many ways, but enlarges others.
Love Dad
Hi Joseph,
In my case my mother, and Grandmother had the biggest influence on me spiritually.
My mom was a stay at home mom, back when taxes were about 5%, now they are far higher and it is so difficult to live on one income.
The modern day working parents have a much harder road to hoe than in my generation, but many are doing a great job.
God bless,
Hi Mel,
You are one of those who works extra hard to meet the needs of the children because of having to work outside the home, but it is paying off. I hoped you would like this,
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