Far lights upon the hill
That I can see here from my door,
The flowers on the sill.
Nasturtiums that are blooming bright,
I shall remember them
And vision them as they blow now
Entangling stem on stem.
The wind as it comes through the pines
Far from across the plain;
The sound upon my low tin roof
of softly echoed rain.
My heart will find new scenes, but oh,
It will come back to these
In many quiet times and seek
Known paths, old dreams, loved trees.
---George Elliston
Hi Fred:)
Amazing poem! I agree there are many little things that will make us immensely happy provided we are willing to listen and see. Keep our eyes and ears open. But in the modern days most of us are more worried about making a lively hood that we miss every thing before us including love, affection, friendliness, kindness apart from the distant light, wind, flowers etc. Of course we will regret our actions later on but then it will be too late.
Many thanks for making me understand through this wonderful poem the importance of looking, listening to little things which will give us immense thrill and joy. It is a God given gift to us and I wonder whether other animals or birds can do this.
Have a nice day Fred:)
Hi Joseph,
Yes, and that is why I love reading your blog, it is filled with the little things that fill our lives and add color and meaning. I especially liked the line --
"known paths, old dreams, loved trees."
God bless,
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