Sunday, January 04, 2015

I like the following quote by George Whitefield, he longs to be encouraged, not lulled to sleep; he hungers for heavenly fire, not earthly comfort; he exhorts his friends, not to speak to him in words of flattery or accomplishment, but rather to sound the alarm and help kindle the gift of God within his breast.

"Let none of my friends cry out to such a sluggish, lukewarm, unprofitable worm, "Spare thyself!" Rather spur me up, I pray you, with an "Awake thou that sleepesst," and begin to do something for thy God!" Whitefield.

In modern English it would read something like this -- 

I confess my soul is sluggish, lukewarm and unprofitable, so if you are a true friend, don't cry out to me to "spare myself", but rather, stir me up, spur me on like in the book of Ephesians 5:14 where it says, "Wake up sleeper, rise from the dead," and begin to do something for your God.  

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