Monday, September 21, 2015

  "A mother whose children were remarkable examples of early piety, was asked the secret of her success. She answered, "While my children were infants on my lap, as I washed them, I raised my heart to God, that he would wash them in that blood which cleanseth from all sin; as I clothed them in the morning, I asked my Heavenly Father to clothe them with the robe of Christ's righteousness; as I provided them food, I prayed that God would feed them with the bread of heaven, and give them to drink of the water of life. When I have prepared them for the house of God, I have pleaded that their bodies might be fit temples for the Holy Ghost to dwell in. When they left me for the week-day school, I followed their infant footsteps with a prayer, that their path through life might be like that of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. And so I committed them to the rest of the night, the silent breathing of my soul has been, that their Heavenly Father would take them in his embrace and fold them in his paternal arms." 

Author unknown, photo by Jose A. Gallego. 

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