Tuesday, April 24, 2018

  I listened to a woman at the jail unroll her life of great sorrow to me; she was molested by her uncle from age eleven to fifteen, her mother, lost in drugs, did nothing: her father absent. Her addiction to drugs and ultimately meth, began at thirteen and now she sits turning 40 this year, 27 years of addiction and sorrow with absolutely no awareness of God's love, never been to church, and no understanding whatsoever of the connection between her childhood trauma and her circumstances today.
I feverishly rushed to educate her on God's rich mercy and his unfathomable grace, as well as sending her away with two books on Biblical healing for the abused.
Her nearly six foot exterior was hard and she takes no crap from anyone; let me illustrate -- during the sermon, on the men's side of the room, a young guy full of himself was incessantly starring at the youngest girl attending. She is a very petite and young girl, cute as cute can be. This guy caught her attention and began to move his tongue in ways he thought was seductive to try and ..... appeal? to the young woman. His sad fate was that the chair next to him was vacant, and the forty year old woman quietly and tactfully got up and sat next to him, where she looked straight into his eyes and with furrowed brow and gaze of steel said, knock that shit off, she's not for sale! And then quietly got up and returned to her seat. He sat humiliated and his eyes never returned to the girl.

This woman's exterior is hard and course, further traumatized by witnessing her husband put a gun in his mouth and kill himself. Her heart of sorrow was so sensitive tears unwillingly fell from her eyes our entire conversation, and she has flung her sorrows on Jesus for hope and I will pray and believe she will continue to run to Him for refuge. Will you pray with me?   

Monday, April 23, 2018

  "Regarding the mind, heed well that this athlete, growing in your brain, becomes a wholesome Genius, and not a cursed monster, and see that you discipline the minds strength, and point his aim discreetly; feed him on humility and holy things, weaned from covetous desires. Hour by hour and day be day, supply him with ideas of excellence, and win, by gradual Godly allurements, the still expanding soul, to rise from observing the universe, to the Hand of God that made it." Martin Tupper. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

  "Get at the root of things. The gold mines of Scripture are not the top soil; you must open a shaft. The precious diamonds of experience are not picked up in the roadway; their secret places are far down. Go down into the vitality, the solidity, the veracity, the divinity of the Word of God, and seek to possess with it the inward work of the Spirit." Greyson Letters.

  "I have sought for rest everywhere, but I have found it nowhere, except in a little corner with a little book." Thomas A Kempis.

  The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tone, but in the echoes of our hearts." Holmes. 

  "Every first thing continues forever with the child; the first color, the first music, the first flower, paint the foreground of his life. 
The first inner or outer object of love, injustice, or such like, throws a shadow immeasurably far along his years." Richter. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

  "To express the religion of Christ in precise words would be a mighty task; but it may be said that is was not merely a system, nor primarily a creed; it was a message to individual hearts, bewildered by the complexity of the world and the intricacy of religious observances.
Christ bid people to believe that their Creator was also a Father, that the only way to escape from the overwhelming difficulties presented by the world was the way of simplicity, sincerity, and love; that a person should keep out of their life, all that insults and hurts the soul, and that they should hold the interests of others as dear as they hold their own.
It was a protest against all ambition, and cruelty, and luxury, and self-conceit. It showed that a person should accept their temperament and their place in life, as gifts from the hands of their Father, and that they should then be peaceful, pure, humble, and loving.
  Christ brought into the world an entirely new standard; He showed that many respected and reverenced persons were very far indeed from the Father, while many obscure, sinful, miserable outcasts found the secret, which the respectable and contemptuous missed. Never was there a message, which cast so much hope abroad in rich handfuls to the world.

The astonishing part of the revelation was that it was so absolutely simple; neither wealth, nor intellect, nor position, nor even moral perfection, were needed. The simplest child, the most abandoned sinner, could take the great gift as easily as the most honored statesman, the wisest sage-- indeed more easily, for it was the very complexity of affairs, of motives, of wealth, that entangled the soul and prevented it from realizing its freedom." A.C. Benson.  

"In societies, the order of reformation will be found to begin from a solitary point deep-buried and unnoticed, first to the circumjacent region, and then over the whole surface; from the native force an inspired insight of some individual mind, that kindles, first itself, and then by its irresistible intensity, a wider and wider sphere of souls." Martineau.

What will my influence be? 

Friday, April 13, 2018

I want to share this prayer request we got at the jail this week. It really struck me how this woman is so in tune with the other women there, some people see what others miss. She has been busy doing the work of Christ in jail, where she is a fellow inmate, and it humbles and inspires me the way she is so connected to the other inmates. Imagine, just imagine if we all were so vigilante to care for others.....
  "First I would ask that you pray for my new friends here at WCCC Gyla, taloy, Jesse, Gyla for her Agorahphobia that when she leaves here we remain as good of friends and become the best of. Taloy that she figure out how to keep herself out of trouble here that she don't feel the need to be so mischevious LOL so she can stay here and not go back across the street,(isolation) she just needs guidence. For Jesse that she finds a little peace in life and that she get back to her son as she misses him greatly and Vice Versa. For Charlene she just began her new meds and it is a scary things as I just had a friend take her own life and I pray that it doesn’t have the affect her in a similar fasion for my friend Alnya she is not w/her children and really struggling w/relationships and legally and I want to pray for her to have strength and that she to find peace, and for my friend Brittany that she go to court and she make it here w/an open heart and that she maybe restored to sanity and reality and remember she was wanting to get clean and get her heart and head and life right and that,she is given the Plethorah of oppurtunities, I am here, and lastly I pray for my new found friends I have met in the five of you I thank you for your time and love and hope and encouragement and just for being you."

  "There is a story of a young man that came up with a little handful of men to attack a king who was invading their land and who had a great army of 3,000 men. The young man had only 500, and the king sent a messenger to the young man, saying that he need not fear to surrender, for he would treat him mercifully. The young man called up one of his soldiers and said: "Take this dagger and drive it to your heart;" and the soldier took the dagger and drove it to his heart. And calling up another, he said to him, "Leap into yonder chasm," and the man leaped into the chasm. The young man then said to the messenger, "Go back and tell your king I have 500 men like these. We will die, but we will never surrender. And tell your king another thing, that I will have him chained with my dog inside of half an hour." And when the king herd that, he did not dare to meet them, and his army fled before them like chaff before the wind, and within twenty-four hours he had that kind chained with his dog."  Moody.

That'll preach!