Tuesday, September 08, 2020

My son wrote this in response to one of the countless emails he gets.
“I disagree with forming massive opinions and endorsing slander, intrigue and accusations on a international scale from a clip of a slick selection of minutes from a YouTube video.

I disagree with people fermenting mass anxiety and quasi-intellectual opinions on subjects they actually have absolutely no professional acumen upon.
I disagree with fear-based journalism that looks like it should be an episode on the Syfy channel or Info Wars.

I disagree with Christians that won’t read their bibles, attend church, or submit to the authority of elders they’ve known for years with proven wise and fruitful lives and will chuck it all for Internet personalities who have absolutely no care or connection with viewers.

I disagree with people spending hours of time following geopolitical theories of titillating supposedly secret knowledge, trying to attain macro and micro world event gnosis.

I disagree with people who are able to discuss and debate the latest outrage in the MSM but can’t or won’t disciple their families or evangelize the lost.
I disagree with lives that are a mile wide in turbulent Internet waters but an inch deep in martial or parental nurture, or skill and craftsmanship in actual day-to-day work and life matters.

I disagree with people who won’t fact check or cross expose themselves to opposing or conflicting opinions or sources because they are intellectually lazy or ideologically bigoted.

I disagree with an info-bloated culture that has access to a world of instant knowledge at its fingertips but is impoverished in the skills needed to discern truth from error, righteousness from unrighteousness or the kooks, cranks and cults from rational and reasonable journalists, educators, or political voices.

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