Thursday, May 06, 2021


"Study laboriously, for much is to be learned. Do not destroy your intellectual life by imagining that all truth is discovered, and that you have nothing to do but to repeat what others have taught. It is intended by our Creator that truth should be our own discovery, and therefore He has surround us with fallible beings, whom we are impelled to distrust. Paradoxical as it may seem, we ought to discover the truths which we have been taught by others; for the light which our own earnest free thought will throw on these, will make them so different from what they were when first passively received, that they will be virtually rediscovered by ourselves. 

  Study laboriously, for much is to be learned. Do not feel as if Christianity had spoken its last word, and had nothing more to say. It is the characteristic of Divine Truth that it is inexhaustible, infinitely fruitful. It does not stand alone in the mind, but combines with, explains, irradiates our other knowledge. It is the office of a great moral truth to touch the deep springs of thought within us, to awaken the soul to new activity, to start a throng of suggestions to be followed out by patient contemplation. An arid, barren religion, which reveals a precise, rigid doctrine, admitting no expansion and kindling no new life in the intellect, cannot be from God. It lacks an essential mark of having come from the Creator of the human soul, for the great distinction of the soul is its desire to burst its limits and grow forever." William Ellery Channing. 

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