Thursday, May 13, 2021

Some years back, we met this girl that was about 9 or 10; she was an acquaintance of mines daughter. We were drawn to her so strongly, so my wife and I befriended her and we would have her over once in a while just to go on a picnic and do fun things with her. Her mom was fairly good to her, but she was very unstable, always after some guy and spent no time with her, and she had been married and remarried a number of times. Anyway, I was teaching Sunday School, so we invited her to church and she just loved it, she was so drawn to Jesus! One day she heard they were doing baptisms at the church and asked if she could get baptized. I was so happy and introduced her to the pastor and he too was thrilled. So he got a paper for some basic information about her, and she began to fill it out with me by her side. The first question was - What is your name, first and last. She paused for a minute, and then turned to me and said -- "What name should I use?" Her mother had been with so many men she didn't know what name to use. It still saddens me so: no child should ever have to wonder that.

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