"Jesus was made up of contrasts; he was a union of excellences which are not easily reconciled, which seem at first sight incongruous, but which, when blended and duly proportioned, constitute moral harmony and attract with equal power, love and veneration.
For example, we discover in Jesus Christ an unparalleled dignity of character, a consciousness of greatness never discovered or approached by any other individual in history; and yet this was blended with a condescension, lowliness, and unostentatious simplicity which had never before been thought consistent with greatness. In like manner, he united an utter superiority to the world, to its pleasures and ordinary interests, with suavity of manners and freedom from austerity.
He joined strong feeling and self-possession; an indignant sensibility to sin, and compassion for the sinner, an intense devotion to His work, and calmness under opposition and ill success; a universal philanthropy, and a susceptibility of private attachments; the authority which became the Savior of the world, and the tenderness and gratitude of a son. And is His character to be explained by imposture or insane enthusiasm? Does it not bear the unambiguous marks of a heavenly origin?" William Ellery Channing.
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