Tuesday, April 25, 2023

 So, I got the news my oldest grandson, age 31, got saved!

In his teen years he denied the faith and vigorously sought ungodly pursuits.

Both he and his fiancé have had a number of dark encounters with evil presences and the reality of evil personally, and culturally, and it started forcing him to face the fact that if there’s evil than there’s also good.

My grandson was listening to some Gregorian chant music, that his younger brother recommended, and while he was listening at work. the Holy Spirit came on him and he started weeping and he heard the Lord say.

“Welcome home son.”

He said he almost fell to the ground at work. He was a mess.

Both have prayed to surrender their lives to Christ and the Holy Spirit has been moving in them.

Believe me when I say, there is enthusiastic rejoicing going on that words fail to describe!

In the last year, three of my grandchildren have gone to the mission field, and three others have come to Christ surmounting huge obstacles.

Needless to say, when I hear people say that the Holy Spirit is not bringing revival I have to shout, “Well, He is in our family!!!!!

This July we will have at my son’s church a baptism, and five of our family will be baptized and one friend of ours, so it will be a glad day of rejoicing! 

If that's not revival what is???

“Your faithfulness flows from one generation to the next; all that you created sits firmly in place to testify of you.”  Ps. 119:90

Here is his testimony ---


"I have given my heart to Christ.

KYRIE ELEISON! (Lord have mercy)

Lord have mercy on me. 

For years, I have spoken against you with bitterness. 

I have honored other gods. 

I watched the light leave my eyes. 

My soul was as a withered tree. But it flowers again. 

So quickly has your mercy renewed my spirit. 

I am in awe before you.

CHRISTE ELEISON! (Christ have mercy)

Surely there is one God in heaven. And Christ is he. 

Your Spirit has visited me when I was beset by darkness. 

It feels as if the claws of something evil was pulled right out of my head. Right out of my heart. 

Banished into the abyss by presence of the Holy Spirit.

I invited this Spirit within me. It lives in me now. 

And it has convicted me, comforted me, and I am in awe at your power. 

A peace which I cannot begin to describe has surrounded me. 

I cast out every idol in my home. My pagan statues and sorcerous amulets have been expelled.

There is a garden now within me. A stillness. 

Your word nourishes me like bread. 

I am a new person.


The son of God lives in me."

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