I read this today and agreed with so much of it I thought I'd post it.
"l like people who begin by blurting out something overly personal.
I like people who aren’t afraid to walk around with a stain on their shirt.
I like people who give compliments to strangers in the grocery store and make friends when they’re washing their hands in the bathroom.
I like people who get passionate about ideas and excited about others’ success stories.
I like people who live a little outside of the box, who march to the beat of their own drum, and who make it a mission to help those around them.
I like people who own their failures, and apologize easily.
I like people who know who they are deep down inside,
and let that person shine like crazy.
I like people who tell the truth.
I like people who can joke often and don’t take themselves too seriously.
I like people who love life so much they don’t make room for drama or petty behavior, only more love.
I like people who like people.
I like people who like books, and stupid tv shows,
and who throw simple parties with pizza and paper plates.
I like people who stop by just to say hello, and bring your favorite Sonic drink with them.
I like people who have their own opinions,
but aren’t threatened by you having your own opinion as well.
I like people who ask for help.
I like people who show up.
I like people who don’t feel the need to show off.
I like people who don’t pick up before you come over, and people who don’t pick fights where fights don’t belong.
I like people who say “bring whoever you want.”
I like people who build bigger tables, and greet every single person with a warm hello, as if they have been best friends for years.
I like people whose eyes get bright when they talk about their passions,
and people whose voice gets louder when they sing their favorite song.
I like people who build businesses and who build up everyone around them.
I like people who aren’t perfect.
I like people who aren’t cool.
I like people who aren’t trying to keep up with everyone else.
I like people who aren’t trying to be someone they were never made to be.
I like people who are so real it hurts and it makes other people uncomfortable.
I love all people, but man, there’s a special place in my heart for the messy ones."
Amy Weatherly