Sunday, January 14, 2024


A good friend was lamenting the loss of someone they knew, but never got to know well, she explains ----

"A time ago, I was standing at the casket
of someone who never loved me, and
had indeed been a thorn in my side.
And while I’ve done the wrong thing
this time, I did it right.

I had forgiven. I had loved.
I had tried to restore and had to let it be.
This gave me a deep peace.

I’m sorry they missed me, but I have no regret. As arrogant as I may sound,
I hope you understand.
I was a glorious gift sent from God
to bless them.
And they missed me.

And because they didn’t choose to love me…
I also missed them,
and what God wanted to teach me through them.
While it was their loss, God graciously made up my gain."

I had to respond to her because it hit close to home, I said ---

Mmmm, what a thoughtful, healing post.
The complexities in human relations are deep and wide,
thrilling, and, sadly, killing.

"They missed me.
And because they didn’t choose to love me…I also missed them, and what God wanted to teach me through them."
That stuck out to me:

I'm old enough to know that everyone has gold inside,
and if we can dig deep enough their is great reward.
But some are so scarred that it takes more digging than I'm mature enough to do at this point in life.

So, like you said, "they missed me, and I missed them," what a pity.

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