Sunday, January 07, 2024


Are you a Christian Mystic? 

Does your faith in Christ include moments and revelations that are beyond human description? Does the Holy Spirit move in you? Christian mysticism is rarely spoken of and less understood. Christ's teachings and actions urge us to enter into a union with the Father and the son, guided by His Spirit, and that union takes on many dimensions as all of Christianity testifies of. 

I've gathered a handful of soul penetrating quotes to ponder. 

"He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” Jn. 14:21

Ghent asks: "Will future conceptions of God take on a more mystical cast?" 

Armstrong answers - "I don't think, in our kind of society, we'll be able to develop a full-blown mystical religion or concept of God because we seek, instant gratification, fast food, endless talk and noise. The silence in mysticism is alien. People want to do a few courses in mysticism, rather like the way you do French before going on holiday, and expect to emerge a mystic. Mysticism isn't like that." 

"The soul of the great mystic does not stop at ecstasy, as at the end of a journey. The ecstasy is indeed rest, if you like, but as though at a station, where the engine is still under steam, the ground movement becoming a vibration on one spot, until it is time to race forward again." 

 "We pass into mystical states from out of ordinary consciousness as from a less into a more, as from a smallness into a vastness, and at the same time as from an unrest to a rest. We feel them as reconciling, unifying states. They appeal to the yes-function more than to the no-function in us, In them the unlimited absorbs the limits and peacefully closes the account." 

  "Mystical experience... is the awareness of a Presence, the consciousness of a Beyond. The most striking effect of such experience is not new fact-knowledge, not new items of empirical information, but new moral energy, a heightened conviction, increased caloric quality, enlarged spiritual vision, an unusual radiant power of life. In short, the whole personality, in the case of the constructive mystics, appears to be raised to a new level of life."

 "Mysticism means nothing, absolutely nothing, to the one who has no experience of it."   

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