Monday, May 13, 2024

 *Trigger Warning* suicide



Suicide, such a tragedy… 

If someone you know and love has taken their life, 

you know it leaves us eternally changed.


If you are considering suicide, please get help.

Don’t wait till the depression gets too strong to resist. 


The words to this song, by Ren Gill, begin to describe the thoughts of those left behind in the shadow of suicide. 

“I guess there's some that's born lucky, 

there's some that's not

I tried to cut away my bitterness, hatchet job

I locked my youth in a trunk inside a pick-up truck

Then dumped the whole thing over the same bridge 

the night you jumped

I think about that sometimes, vividly

What it felt like to look down and see tranquility

One sudden movement in a world of possibility

Only one movement to expose our fragility

I f***ing miss you, and I miss myself

I miss thinking we were indestructible as well

I miss chilling by the pier cave and kicking back

With Callum, Hugo, Sagar, Justin, Stevie and the f***in' lads

I miss missing that, I numbed myself to close the gap

I never even call them up, the distance is my plaster cast

The truth is that the day you jumped 

my childhood jumped too

But I still can't find the anger all I find is 

missing you

Man, I miss you with all my rhymes

I picture running five minutes quicker, I'm right on time

I picture pulling you back over the edge and then we're crying

And holding you my brother and telling you that it's fine

That's not the way that I worked 

'cause I was late like a jerk

There's not a day where I could find a way to break from the hurt

Your body missing so we never got to wave to the hearse

I hope you're listening; I love you man, I miss you absurd...

National suicide hotline – 988 -  Real Time chat

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