Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 What will they say about us at our funeral?


I was reading some things written about John Ruskin and it really struck me. 

Imagine if they said this about you and I, check this out –


"Among the heroic souls who have sought to recover the lost paradise (Eden) 

and recapture the glory of an undefiled and blessed world stands John Ruskin,

 oft an apostle of gentle words 

that heal like medicines, 

and sometimes a prophet of Elijah-like sternness and grandeur, 

consuming man's sins with works of flame. 

Thomas Carlyle wrote to Emerson about Ruskin saying, 

"There is nothing going on among us as notable as those fierce lightning bolts Ruskin is copiously and desperately pouring into the black world of anarchy around him. 

No other man has in him the divine rage against iniquity, 


and baseness that Ruskin has, 

and every man ought to have." 

Now that is an epitaph!

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