In my previous post I talked about how I think God reaches out to people with the Holy Spirit even to the ends of the earth to draw people to himself. And in the event that they have never heard of the Gospel or the blessed name of Jesus Christ; God will none the less use nature and conscience to draw each person, so none will have excuse, and all will have opportunity to be saved by the blood of Christ, even if after death they are given opportunity to believe in what in life they never heard. That being said, I think this poem by an Indian poet and philosopher will testify to all Christians that God is drawing this man. Read it and contemplate if this is truth calling or not.
Because of Thee
Life of my life, I shall ever try to keep my body pure, knowing that thy living touch is upon all my limbs.
I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind.
I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast they seat in the inmost shrine of my heart.
And it shall be my endeavor to reveal thee in my actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act." Rabindranath Tagore - 1861
Joseph, if you know of this man I would be interested in any information you may have before I go to the encyclopedia.
Please understand my position; I'm not a Universalist, I don't believe all are saved, but those who answer the call to conscience and nature with the light God has given them, will have opportunity in like manner as we after death, to hear the Gospel and choose to believe if they never heard it during their life.
It is hard to read this man's prayer and conclude that he is not responding to the call of God as he understands him in my estimation.
Photo of Buddhist Monk by Daniel Bayer
Oh Fred,
How my heart breaks for you. CHRIST, CHRIST, CHRIST!
I need further clarification if I am to understand your point of view. If this man was exposed to the Bible and the Gospel during his world travels, and his diverse educational background and understood who Jesus was and what He accomplished on the Cross and rejected Him, favoring Hinduism; are you saying that he could still be saved and reconciled to God after death?
Luke 18:9-14 is enough for me.
"I would rather be with someone who is real than someone who is good. -Attributed to Philip Yancey
Hi D.L.,
I'm glad you wrote back, My position, at this time in my life, with the study I have done is reflected in this sentence from my post -
"I think God reaches out to people with the Holy Spirit even to the ends of the earth to draw people to himself. And in the event that they have never heard of the Gospel or the blessed name of Jesus Christ; God will none the less use nature and conscience to draw each person, so none will have excuse, and all will have opportunity to be saved by the blood of Christ, even if after death they are given opportunity to believe in what in life they never heard."
To further clarify, I believe the blood shed by Jesus Christ is the method God chose to cleanse man from his sin and if one rejects that holy sacrifice, and rejects that God-man sent as the saviour to the whole world, he sins against his only hope of eternal life.
But far more have not heard of this blessed Saviour than have heard, but God in his mercy and love for man has called to each soul with enough light to draw them, and if it be in this life or after death, they will have equal opportunity to make a choice to cling to Christ for atonement of their sins. God calls from all religions, locations, nations, whether we have been faithful in getting the Gospel to them or not. God's love for man is not hindered by our ability to obey his command to go and teach of Jesus. The Gospel brings not only eternal life to souls, but it changes lives and gives them opportunity to glorify God in a fuller light, overcome evil with good by His fulness of Spirit. Without the Gospel preached, we have what we see today, oppression. Wherever the name of Christ is preached and loved, oppression declines, justice rises, love abounds, freedom rings.
I think that states my position clearly, but realize it doesn't answer all questions this postion raises.
If you share a different position I would be interested in hearing it. I don't think anyone is wrong, but rather one may not have as much information as another. So if you differ I am happy to consider your thoughts.
God bless,
Hi Eric,
That scripture could certainly be used to strengthen my position. And there are many others, as well as the compassion God puts into our hearts for all men, and that is but a sliver of what He feels.
I realize this is controversial, but at this point in my Christian life, I don't see why.
Love Dad
Thank you Fred. I did understand your position on those who have not heard and die in their sins.
I wasn't sure about your position on those who are "good" and seem to be very loving, wise, spiritual people; who have heard the Gospel; and rejected Christ--or embraced a different Christ that is more suitable to them; and then propogate a false religion and a false Christ. Perhaps that's a topic for another time.
But, I am encouraged to hear you say, "To further clarify, I believe the blood shed by Jesus Christ is the method God chose to cleanse man from his sin and if one rejects that holy sacrifice, and rejects that God-man sent as the saviour to the whole world, he sins against his only hope of eternal life."
Always a joy to visit your blog!
Hi Fred :)
I know that Rabindranath Tagore is an Indian Hindu from Bengal, he is a great poet and writer and he is a Nobel Laureate.
This man is calling out to God but he is a staunch Hindu.
Best wishes :)
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