When the children are in the house and the mother is dead, the father has to be more gentle in the home and he has to take the office of father and mother, and it seems to me Christ looks out upon your helplessness and he proposes to be father and mother to your soul.
He comes in the strength of the one, in the tenderness of the other.
He says with one breath, “As a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him,” and then with the next breath he says, “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.”
Do you not feel the hush of the divine lullaby? Oh, put your tired head down on the heaving bosom of divine compassion while he puts his arms around you and says: “O widowed soul, I will be thy God. O orphaned soul, I will be thy protector. Do not cry.” Then he touches your eyelids with his fingers and sweeps his fingers down your cheek and wipes away all the tears of loneliness and bereavement. Oh, what a tender and sympathetic God has come for us.
I do not ask you to lay hold of him. Perhaps you are not strong enough for that. I do not ask you to pray. Perhaps you are too bewildered for that. I only ask you to let go and fall back into the arms of everlasting love.”
T. DeWitt Talmage Photo by Tuan Trinh
What a treasure you have found and reposted here for our benefit, Fred! I love it! I have a daughter who is struggling right now. Or, maybe it would be more appropriate to say, I'm struggling with her, but either way, I think she may benefit from hearing this. She definitely will if the Holy Spirit inclines her heart towards His heart in these words. May He do so and more. May He give her the grace to allow Himself to become her all in all.
God's richest blessings to you and yours! :)
That quote is one of the reasons I covet those books of his on your shelf. You know...the prodgial son did ask and get "half" of his fathers goodies "before" he died....ummmmmm?
Yes this post I must admit I have felt many times. Times when grief was immeasurable and I rather died then live. God would almost sing to my soul it felt at times when nightmares would haunt me of my child dieing. The guilt, the hurt, the anger, the frustration, the pain. But God gave me comfort and peace and helped me through so much of it. I grew stronger and then He gave me a mission.
God has ways of bringing comfort like no other.
Hi Fred :)
Very interesting post.
When every one deserts us in times of need, God is always there to protect and give us solace.
Best wishes :)
Hi Mel,
Thanks for your comments and I'm glad you enjoy Talmage. I love to run across nuggets like this one. Rich and full of good fruits. The line - "Oh, what a tender and sympathetic God has come for us", is good advice for us as parents in dealing with the struggles our children have becoming young adults. I have no doubt your love and cheer will smooth the path.
God bless your efforts,
Hi Eric, too funny; Talmage has been a good friend to me and it would be difficult to bid him farewell :)
Love Dad
Hi Mary,
God singing to your soul, that is a great word picture. He is so good in the midst of this unpredictable world.
God bless,
Hi Joseph,
I love the scripture you quoted, His rest, wonderful rest that He always calls us to. He is a good God.
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