I had another post in mind for tonight but after watching this video Eric sent me, which I linked below, I have to share this. I think this video pretty much says everything I want to say as a Christian, and if I never made another post I think nearly all that needs to be said will be said through this.
It's hard to find the words to describe that video. If we don't reach out to help ease the sufferings of the world, who will? Praise God, many people are, but if they had been content to sit in their homes and let someone else pay, someone else do the work, what would the world be like today? This is a sobering, thought-provoking, inspiring, knock-you-out-of-your-complacency video. I pray many will view it, and will have eyes to see and ears to hear what God would speak to us through it.
Hey, you...I sent that to you before I posted it...*!@#*!
I'm using that in my message on Sunday and thought the exact thing you posted Dad. It "perfectly" describes "The WAY" to me.
It perfectly encapsulates mission and ethos behind and motivating mission.
Fred I cannot even see to type hardly. I cried through the whole thing. This was very powerful for me and will be sharing it with or volunteers. I will never forget it! I can't type right now, the Holy Spirit is moving in my soul
Hi Mel,
There is so much in that video, so many questions, so many problems, but though we have no answers, we have solutions, bless God! As I watched all the differing ministries applied to the problems; the nurses, the caregivers, the teachers, mentors, preachers, baptisims, just the pouring out of Christian love, it gave me such a sense of Christ's glory, God's love and then to consider this is what God is inspiring churches and Christians to produce to motivate and inspire the body, I just sat there, eyes welled up, in utter thankfulness.
Mel, I too, hope many will see this video and others will be made, and ultimately Christ's bride will be shown in all His glory. I love how you described it, my sentiments exactly.
God bless,
You snooze you lose :) I'm laughing out loud, you crack me up! I did check out your blog to see if you had posted it, I thought you would have, but it wasn't there and I just had to share it.
I wish every church in America could have a preacher like you that seeks for ripe fruit, then prepares and serves it up, dripping with God's goodness.
Thanks for sharing it,
Love Dad
Hi Mary,
I knew this one would move you. It is similar to the one you produced years back. Oh! technology can be used for such good. I'm going to watch it again tonight!
Love Fred
Hi Fred :)
Very interesting video. I hope many people will view it.
Many thanks for sharing.
Best wishes :)
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