"The heart may embrace Christ with an enthusiasm of love, though the intellectual perception is imperfect and vague. It is better that the intellectual perception should be full and clear; nevertheless, a man can embrace Christ by the heart without the help of the understanding, far better than he can embrace Christ by the understanding without the aid of the heart. Thousands and thousands there have been, I believe, who have loved Christ, and have lived on their love to him, and have died by the power of that love, and have been translated to glory, though they could not have defined the divine nature, nor reduced their faith to any intellectual expression. There have been multitudes of children, poor uneducated persons, into whose teaching never entered even the technics of philosophy, who understood nothing of mental science, but whose hearts have seen Jesus Christ, and out of whose hearts has gone an enthusiasm, an allegiance, a fidelity, that has led them gloriously through life and through death to the blessed Master. They would have been larger and happier Christians, doubtless, if they had added to the heart element the intellectual element also; but it is possible for one to take hold of Christ with the heart. It is possible for one who has but slender endowments to take hold of Christ. And that is the peculiarity of Christianity." Henry Ward Beecher
I like this piece, and I like the "peculiarity of Christianity" that reveals the heart of God, who looks only to the heart and not the intellect for salvation.
Wow, this is quite powerful and very uplifting too. I was one of those people that always knew Christ in my head and had the intellectual part but never knew Him in my heart. Oh, but what I was missing! Praise God that He opened my eyes and my heart to receive the love my Saviour has for me...for all of us!
Thanks for sharing this Fred, I always look forward to your posts!
God bless you!
Thank God! I'm so tired of thinking! and I can imagine if my son was dull, it wouldn't mean a thing to my love for him.
Praise God, Fred! Such peace and joy and rest for our wearied souls be found in the truth expressed in these words.
Hi Trudy,
I'm glad you found this uplifting, I did as well. When I read the Bible, I find so few requirements that God imposes for salvation. And like you said and the article articulated, they are issues of the heart.
God bless,
Amen Matt! We Christians have a way of thinking things to death.
And your illustration is one anyone can understand. It reminds me of the plea, "What must I do to be saved?" The reply was simple and short.
Love Dad
Hi Mel,
Amen again, sometimes one comes away thinking if they don't go to Bible school they will be missing something crucial. Hardly the case.
God bless,
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