Friday, June 17, 2016

"I walk in the soft twilight, that is infinitely tender, soothing and sweet, and find the daffodil taking on his new life; and there rises in my heart an uplifted yearning, not so much for the good days that are dead, but that I may somehow come to possess the peace that underlies the memory of them all - not handle it for a moment and lay it down, but possess it or be possessed by it for ever. And so it is with a heightened relish for the serener simplicities of life, that I return to my quiet rooms, my old trees, my carelessly ordered garden, as a sailor floats into the calm waters of the well-known haven out of the plunge and surf of the sea, and tossing on the waves of the world thus gives me the tonic sense of contrast to my peaceful life which it would otherwise lack. A.C. Benson.

  I think this quote captures for me the thoughts and feelings I often have while walking through my garden, I didn't want to forget it so I'm including it here. 

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