A young woman, in her mid twenties, came in the mission doors and approached the food table timidly and unsure of what she could have;
I explained she could have one of each of the foods offered and as I did she
looked me right in the eye with such a haunting look. Her eyes were blood-shot
and I'm sure she was on heroin because of her halting walk and appearance. Her
face, which was overall pleasing: but oddly, she had tufts of facial hair on
four places that were prominent, and any girl her age would have normally
removed. She never said a word and was very slow in her movements, she took the
food and left.
As she left I felt the Holy
Spirit's love for her welling up in me. A little later she came back through the line again and
this time I tried to be extra friendly and, once again, she looked me right in
the eye, which is unusual, most people have their heads down and just look at
the food. I wanted to reach out to her in some manner, but couldn't find a way.
As she left I was overcome with emotion
and went in the back room for a minute to pray for her. A little later she came
through the line again, this time I felt compelled to do something, so I asked
her if she would mind if I prayed for her; she nodded okay. I drew her aside
and prayed over her although she made no noticeable reaction, but simply looked
straight in my eyes again, never saying a word, and then took her food and
shuffled out. Now, my heart was breaking for her; I wanted to sweep her up in
my arms and take her straight to Mother Teresa, my heroin where unconditional love and sympathy were always available, and have her lavish waves of
love and care for her and steal away all her hurt and lead her to happiness and
wholeness. It was a moment, like so many, where I am impotent to cause any
noticeable change. So, I write this to solicit your prayers and to remind me of
her. Her name is Sarah.
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