I spoke
last night on Job 28:1-11 from the NASB, and I was amazed how the Holy Spirit
opened the passage up so that I saw Jesus saving and seeking the lost through
His church, as though He were mining for precious metals and precious stones
deep within the earth.
How He mines for the silver and the gold in
our souls in the most remote places. Verse 3 shows how he carries light into
the darkness, to the farthest limits, He searches in the hardened rock like
soul, lost in gloom and deep shadow.
Vs. 4 tells
of His search in far off habitations forgotten by all.
Vs. 5 tells
how the simple needs are found at the surface, where our elementary appetites
are met, but the deep spiritual things are deep within where they are melted and
refined as by fire and He melts the hard rock of our heart that has been
oppressed and forsaken because within there are precious sapphires!
And even in
the dust, the pulverized parts of our soul He sees the gold! Oh what a
searching and seizing Savior!
Vs. 7 The
vultures and birds of prey will never seek our true soul needs; they are
concerned with sensual appetites and care not for our true goodness.
Vs. 8,9
Nor do the proud and violent ever look deep within us but Christ puts
his hand on the flinty, angry, sparking soul, and He goes to all lengths to
reach us, even to the moving of mountains in search for anything precious.
Vs. 11 Oh,
and He dams up the streams of weeping, and finds what is hidden in darkness and
brings out to His precious light! Oh what a Savior Divine!
After the service last night, a thirtyish
woman, covered in Tattoos, hesitatingly, in a self restrained manner, having
never heard the message of Christ's searching, seeking love, approached me, wanting to keep her
distance, with walls and defenses up, but she simply had to ask me how I saw
those things in the passage, it was as if her parched heart was given a deep,
cool, drink of water and she had to know the source! It was if she was looking
for a way to dismiss God but her heart was so moved she had to find out more,
Oh it was the very moments one longs for: prays for!
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