Friday, January 25, 2019

When God is silent

"The Voice of God's Silence." 

  "There is a revelation in the silence. There are times when the voice of God dies upon our heights, and there is no testimony from the mountain. We call, but it answers not: we question, but there is no reply. Yet there is a substitute; the voice of God is followed by the form of man. I come down from the Divine speculation to the human sympathy. God hides himself that I may see my brother.
It is a glorious descent. On top of the mountain earth seems very small. Its crosses dwindle in the light of eternity. I am in danger of becoming unsympathetic to common pain. The cries of the weary are lost in the songs of the redeemed. Therefore, betimes my Father comes to me in a chariot of silence. He veils Himself from my sight. He shuts the doors of the upper sanctuary. He throws a cloud over the former glory. He forces me to look down instead of up. He shows me Jesus alone - without His retinue, without His pomp, without His kingdom - sinking with pale visage under the weight of human woe. The silence of God reveals man.
God's silence is a voice. It forbids you to stand gazing up into heaven. It calls you back from the mountain to the plain - from the Divine search to the human pity." Matheson.

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