Monday, January 06, 2020

  I was reading in Luke 5 today when this verse stood out. Jesus told Simon - 

 "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." 

  As I meditated on it I heard His message reminding me that if I would be a fisher of men, I will need to be in "deep water." The souls of men will not be reached in the shallows; if I'm to see souls saved, restored and healed, I must reach the deep recesses of he heart. 
I think that process begins with "eyes that see and ears that hear". 
Soul rescue is personal, intimate engagement with the downcast. God's anointing connects us and opens hearts; theirs and ours. 
The ingredients are trust, kindness, candor, truth and love. 

So that's a feeble attempt to explain how I've seen God work. 

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