Sunday, January 19, 2020

  The poor may be very wealthy. We all use our differing gifts but to one end, that Jesus may save, restore and heal. The rich fall into many snares, and they may be much different than the financially poor, but sin is sin, and poverty is truly about the soul. We are reminded of that each time we hear about some rich person who takes their life. Mother Teresa always said the greatest poverty she saw was in America, was the poverty of the soul. But if we have no desire to reach the poor of soul, regardless of their economic position, we have reason to question if the spirit of Jesus dwells within, or that we hear His voice clearly. Even smoking flax and bruised reeds love the poor. There are few that will find all walks of their life are conforming to the word; but we press on. But in our failings, we don't want to fail in the things that will bring the most judgment; and failing to love will always be our greatest concern. Our God is loving the poor of all kinds in the world today through His body, the church, and if we fail to love we have failed greatly.

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