“For majesty and beauty of subtle influence, nothing is comparable to the soul. Not the sun hanging upon the horizon has such power for flower and fruitage as has a full-orbed Christian heart, rich in all good influences, throbbing with kindness and sympathy, radiant s an angel. Great is man’s skill in handling engines of force; marvelous man’s control of winds and rivers; wondrous the master of engines and ideas. But man himself is greater than the tools he invents, and man stands forth clothed with the power to control and influence his fellows, in that he can sweeten their bitterness, allay their conflicts, bear their burdens, surround them with the atmosphere of hope and sympathy. Just in proportion as men have capacity, talent and genius, are they to be guardians, teachers, and nurses for men, bearing themselves tenderly and sympathetically toward ignorance, poverty and weakness….. Should their be in every village and city a conspiracy of a few persons toward this refinement and culture, this beauty and sweet Christian living, the presence of these Christ-formed persons would transform the community. One such harvest-full nature carries power to civilize an entire city. Each Christian youth is to be a man-maker and man-mender. He is to help and not hurt men. This is to walk in love. This is to overcome evil with good. This is to be not a printed but a living gospel. This is to be a master of the art of right living and a teacher of the science of character building.” N.D. Hillis - Photo by Biliana Rakocevic
Hey, would you happen to be related to Pastor Eric Blauer? :) This post and his post entitled "I wanted to change the world",well you can tell they were posted by people who were cut from the same spiritual cloth.
Yes Mel, we influence each other greatly. He keeps my hair raised by delving into what God is preparing for the future and how God deals with the outcast and down cast in the urban poor and today's culture. I delve into the past and re-descover what God has done to perpetuate and conquer populations in the past. Same principles, vastly different methods. Same Lord, same faith, same baptism.
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