"Be sure to maintain a secret trade with God.
You know many men come to be very rich in the world by a secret trade. Take it, friends, as an experienced truth, there is no such way under heaven, to be rich in spirituals, as by driving of a secret trade heaven-wards. It is true, it is good for men to attend upon this and that public administration; for in all divine administrations God shews his beauty and glory. Ay, but such that delight to be more upon the public stage than in the closet, will never be rich in spirituals. They may grow rich in notions, but they will never grow rich in gracious experiences. Ps. 63:2,3; 27:4; 84:10 Oh! God loves to see a poor Christian shut his closet door, and then to open his bosom, and pour out his soul before him. God hath very choice discoveries for souls that drive a secret trade; the best wine, the best dainties and delicates are for such. And I never knew any man or woman in my life, that was richer in grace, than those that were much in closet communion with God. Oh! let God hear often of you in secret. Christ is much delighted and taken with secret prayer; Song of Solomon 2:14, 'O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs,' that art got into a hole, 'let me hear thy voice, let me see thy countenance; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is lovely.' Secret meals are very fattening, and secret duties are very soul-enriching. Christians! set more close to this work, and if you don't thrive by it, trust me no more."
Thomas Brooks - photo by Jose A. Gallego
Those books were DEFINITELY worth a couple hundred dollars. I love this post so much that I almost didn't post a comment about it. I can't find the words to do justice to the way this post sets my heart on fire and stokes my craving for more of God Himself.
That's gratifying to hear; I felt the same way, it made me well up each time I read it. I love the picture of that man as well, so full of......
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