"Meetings like these are rare this side of heaven, and seem to me the best mementos left of Eden's hours." Holland
This picture is one from a group sent to me by my first Foster Daughter. She sent a kind email about -- "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."
The reason I'm sharing this is, that Foster Child who we took in, is now 52years old.
It is a great blessing of God to still hear from her thirty six years later: and see her now, a kind and loving woman. His mercy endures forever.
God bless your foster child with all happiness!
By the way, I didn't see any 52 years old lady in the photo!
Best wishes!
Hi Joseph, I have to comment on the ease in which you offer blessings and kind wishes. I notice each comment you make flows with your ability to easily bless.
This is not so often seen or heard in the US, I think our culture is missing a good and encouraging thing. I don't know if it is a cultural thing in India, or if it is peculiar to you. But it is refreshing.
As to the picture, this is one that illustrates the theme of the email she sent, one of close friends. I inserted it because it captures the sentiment and is easy on the eyes.
Warmest regards,
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