"But it is needful we should know that we have no sufficiency in ourselves, and, in order to know it, we must feel it; and, therefore, the Lord sometimes withdraws His sensible influence, and then the buzzing of a fly will be an overmatch for our patience; as other times, He will show us what He can do in us and for us: then we can adopt the apostle's words and say, " I can do and suffer all things through Christ strengthening me." I always enjoy the lessons on humility that John Newton has; I can spend a day where God has graced me with his presence so bountifully that I think I am quite the man of God; then to remind me of where the power comes from, and to whom it belongs, He withdraws and I am left, like Newton's illustration, cursing a house fly. We are a strange lot indeed.
Picture from the Internet
God in us gives us the love and power to do all that He asks of us. What a peace that knowledge brings! I've greatly enjoyed everything of his that you've ever posted, Fred. I'm so glad you're there seeking out these nuggets of practical insight to share with all of us eager "Flying Embers" readers.
Many blessings to you and yours!
Your friend,
Hi Mel,
I'm glad you like him as well; John
Newton has become one of my favorites, he has a true sense of God and His power, and is certain that without it he would have not even a form of Godliness, but I sense from his writings he has been in high places with God.
He helps me reach.
God bless,
Hi Fred:)
This post reminds of Job in the Bible. When he was deprived of every thing he had and inflicted with severe sickness, he only said God gave me everything and he took it away.
Job is one of my favorites in the Bible.
Best wishes:)
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