There is much in life that, while in this state, we can never comprehend. There is, indeed, a great deal of mystery in life – much that we see “as a glass darkly.”
But though we may not apprehend the full meaning of the discipline of trial through which the best have to pass, we must have faith in the completeness of the design of which our little individual live form a part. We have each to do our duty in that sphere of life in which we have been placed." Samuel Smiles
These are the final words of advice at the end of the book "Happy Homes and The Hearts That Make Them. I like the practical and common sense approach of Smiles, great name huh?
His advice helps thin out the drama for me. Truth in plain clothes; truth that applies to every facet of our life. I initially jotted this down for my two of my granddaughters that have passed through a very difficult year where 'faith in the completeness of the design', was difficult to grasp. May it embolden them as well as all.
But my last name means "more blue" in German! Couldn't we been named "Happy"? Just kidding, he makes perfect plain sense, and yet hard to do for me. -Matt
Yes, I'm afraid our blood runs with fewer chuckles than most.
Love Dad
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