Through a set of circumstances I’ll leave unaddressed, my thoughts drifted this morning, as I was counting my blessings, to my Daughter-in-Law LeeElla.
My Daughter in Law is a most sought after gem; and my son Eric is a graced man indeed to have found such a woman. Both of their premarital prayers dovetailed when God brought them together.
My Daughter in Law is a most sought after gem; and my son Eric is a graced man indeed to have found such a woman. Both of their premarital prayers dovetailed when God brought them together.
Secure within herself and in her faith in Christ; Self possessed and patient; I have met none greater.
Strength of character; few rivals.
A woman who can sort through the chaff and find the kernels of value in every situation.
Many of the articles of faith, hope, character, and perseverance, that I post, this woman possesses. For young women to be under her tutelage, is indeed to be blessed. She is truly a woman of vision and secure in her faith in this turbulent world. LeeElla; mother of my grandchildren, wife of my son, handmaiden of the Lord, we are enriched to have you.
Love Fred
Love Fred
Thank you for your kind words and expressions of love. It was more timely and needed than you know.
Yesterday was a rough one. My grandmother's health is not good, and it forced me to face some deep, old wounds surrounding past events.
My guts were all over the place after one conversation today with someone here in Spokane. It was brutal, but it is part of my healing process that needed to happen.
I have a new appreciation for the scripture "...the truth will set you free".
Speaking the truth can free you from feelings and bondage that pain can bring. I have swallowed and stuffed much this last season, and almost suffocated from not just speaking the plain facts of certain things - out in the open and forcing honest conversation to happen.
My trip down there this weekend to say goodbye to my Grandmother is part of my healing as well. I don't want any regrets on my part.
The lift I felt when I read your post was God reminding me that He does see, it does matter, and to press on with hope that tomorrow will bring Him glory and restoration will come. REAL restoration, of Him...by Him.
It is this hope that burns in me and through it all has stayed lit, but His grace...only by His grace alone.
Thank you again.
I love you, and we are so blessed to have you and Sue in our lives. We feel your support even though there are miles between us.
See you all this weekend.
I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I know this, like the quote I posted today about character and success, I know she is proud of your fierce womanly independence from the world and all that would distract you from your husband and family, and your fierce dependance on God. Only a fool, madman or stranger could criticise your devotion and motives in life. Those that know you, love and respect you, and we are of that host!
Love Fred
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