"They say roses are the sweeter when they are planted by garlic. They are sweet and rare Christians indeed who hold their goodness, and grow in goodness, where wickedness sits on the throne;......
To be wheat among tares, corn among chaff, pearls among cockles, and roses among thorns, is excellent.
To be a Lot in Sodom, to be an Abraham in Chaldea, to be a Daniel in Babylon, to be a Nehemiah in Damascus, and to be a Job in the land of Uz is to be a saint among devils;.....
The poets affirm that Venus never appeared so beauteous as when she sat by black Vulcan's side. Gracious souls shine most clear when they are set by black-conditioned persons. Stephen's face never shined so angelically, so gloriously, in the church where all were virtuous, as before the council where all were vicious and malicious." Thomas Brooks--- Painting by Andre Jacques Victor Orsel
amen...so, does this post and the "one good thing' post contradict each other?
Like we discussed earlier, and I used the illustration of the painter that did a portrait of Alexander the Great who had a large scar on his cheek from battle. He painted the picture with his hand upon his face and a finger covering the scar. I think God see us that way, his blood covers our scars and he sees the good we do if only "one good thing".
Love Dad
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