Thursday, July 10, 2008

Now, I cry, moan and whine all winter about the rain in Oregon, but when summer finally comes and I get a chance to get away, like I did for the last three days with two of my granddaughters, and go up in the mountains and drink in the beauty, it is all worth it. I doubt there are many places on earth that have greater beauty than Oregon. Here are a few of the 173 pictures we took.


Mel said...

Wow! What breathtaking beauty! Thank you for sharing the pictures! :)

Joseph Pulikotil said...


I can see that you in the company of your grand daughters had an enjoyable time drinking and soaking in the beauty of MOTHER NATURE.

The photos are marvellous and fascinating!


MaryMGlynn said...

BEAUTIFUL!! Where did you go?

FCB said...

We spent a day at Suttle Lake outside Sisters Oregon, then a day hiking and swimming in the lakes behind Mt. Bachelor, the water was frigid, to understate it. Then we spent the night in Sisters and shopped around in Sisters the last day. I used to live in Bend, and I love it there. The air is so sweet with pine needles and the lakes so clear, it feeds the soul. Of course you live in that beauty all year long. Yes, that's envy.