“It is a blessed thing that the heart has an instinct which tells it without fail who has the right to teach it.
The stricken mother, sitting by the side of the lifeless form of her first-born, will hear unmoved the words of consolation and the persuasions to resignation which are urged by one who has not suffered, even though he eloquently draw motives from the highest heaven; while the silent pressure of her hand by some humble creature who has hidden her treasure under the daisies, will inspire her with calmness and strength. The world cares little for theorists and theories, - little for schools and schoolmen, - little for anything a man has to utter that has not previously been distilled in the alembic of his life. It is the life in literature that acts upon life. The pilgrim who knocks at the door of the human heart with gloved hands and attire borrowed fro the occasion, will meet with tardy welcome and sorry entertainment; but he who comes with shoes worn and dusty with the walk upon life’s highway – with face bronzed by fierce suns and muscles knit by conflict with the evils of the passage, will find abundant entrance and hospitable service.”
Timothy Titcomb - photo from internet
Hello Fred!
Excellent post!
Very often we go and visit bereaved people without any empathy, sympathy or sadness. Our sole purpose of the visit is make our presence felt at the time of sorrow along with relatives, friends and neighbours. We mumble a few words of sympathy without really meaning it.
This post clearly emphasises the need to be genuine and not pretend at these sad moments. We should show real grief and sorrow.
Many thanks for this illuminating post.
Have a nice day!
Hi Fred,
Maybe this post will cause us to view our pain, suffering, loss, and failure in a different light. Perhaps the pain that is allowed in my life is allowed so that I will be able to identify, reach out to and unconditionally love others who have gone through or will go through the same thing.
On a side note, I just posted a comment on your post "The True Battle Comes From Within." I've been working on it for a week. It's still not worded exactly as I wanted it to be, but I hope you'll understand what I'm saying anyway.
Bless you! I hope you're having an awesome day!
Hello Joseph,
I thought you would enjoy this post; your posts often show your sympathetic side, as you go about your daily routine noticing the struggles of life.
Hi Mel,
I think you are so right, the scripture reference at the top of this post goes along with that thought I think.
I'll have to check out your comments, can't wait.
yah...I got to do a funeral for someone I dont know, who lost a 1 month old, down syndrome, baby girl to heart problems or sids...woke up and found her dead.
This post nails my apprehension.
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