Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"To all persons interested in the betterment of society comes the reflection that getting on with men is life's abiding aim and end. Schools can teach no other knowledge comparable to this. It is important to train the child in music, to drill him in public speech, to teach him how to handle the horse and dog, how to swim and ride, the use of tools and engines, the nature and production of wealth,; but it is of far greater importance that youth should be given a knowledge of men, and become a skillful student of human nature; to learn how to read the face as an open book." Newell D. Hillis

"Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves."

Photo by Nour Eddine El Ghourmari


MaryMGlynn said...

EXACTLY!!! Love this post!!!

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Fred!

This is a very commendable post and carries a powerful message for people to get along with each other.

This brings out the significance of the saying: LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THY SELF. or the other saying: DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD OTHERS DO UNTO YOU.

The good news is that many people and organisations have understood the importance good relationship and quite a lot money is being spent in training the staff on PEOPLE SKILLS. In these times of severe competition for goods and services, the management of organisations have clearly understood that good relationship with customers is very important for the survival of a business organisation.

Business houses are now talking of CUSTOMER DELIGHT and not merely CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.

Social net working has become a necessity for the success of an individual and therefore training in SOFT SKILLS has become a necessity.

Thanks for the great post!

Best wishes!

FCB said...

Hi Mary, I'm glad you like this post, for me it encourages me to look at child rearing far more deeply than I have in the past. The education a child receives in school may prepare him academically, but without the wisdom and insights that come from intimate talks with parents, the child will be woefully unequipped to meet life's challenges. And as Joseph points out, even in business today they are looking more deeply how to meet needs and thereby profit from them. What a challenge!