I was reading in the Bible today, (lucky to be off work because of the snow), and I began in Matt. 10 when I ran across verse 40--
“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent me.”
I stopped on that verse and considered the context where Jesus is preparing His disciples for their ministry. He was speaking specifically to them but I began to wonder if it has universal application? I remembered a statement Mel said the other day, “That’s why we need each other”. Is there an application to her question here? I think there is.
If I receive you, as a believer in Christ, it makes no difference what your status, whether you are a minister, a brother that walks in victory, or newly converted or struggling, wilted Christian; when I receive you, I will gain something more of Christ.
I limit my own blessings from God when I judge another to be unworthy; and isn’t it just like God to send a Christian brother or sister in disguise, or one I may deem out of the faith and so I dismiss their fellowship. How many blessings will I deny myself? Many, I’m sure. Let me err on the side of liberality.
Painting by Norman Rockwell
Fred, this is so beautiful, and so true. May God forgive me for every single time I've ever dismissed someone for any reason, and may His mercy preserve me from making that same mistake, ever again.
I agree so much with this Fred. Thank you. I appreciate your blog!
Hello Fred :)
Lovely painting and great thoughts. Extremely useful for daily application.
Many thanks for sharing.
Happy Christmas preparations :)
Hi Mel, Candice and Joseph,
Thanks for your comments and input.
It seems like the older I get the more unusual places I find Jesus, it reminds me of the old television program "Joan of Arcadia", where Joan found God to be in the most unusual people.
God bless,
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