I was introduced to her just recently on Candice's blog.
What a gift for Christmas. I can think of few things that continue to give like the introduction of a new singer, author or painter, sometimes a lifetime of enjoyment.
Wow! That is a lovely song. It made me reflect on life, how fast it comes and goes. It looks very much like my Hannah in the clip!
Nope, I had not heard of her before. But now I have, and that song was warm and melodic--I enjoyed it tremendously! Thank you for sharing! :)
Hi Fred :)
Many thanks for introducing this new singer. She looks pretty and I am sure she will sing like a ningtingale. I will surely check it.
Blessed Christmas to you and your family :)
Hi Danielle,
I was taken by it as well. I like her lyrics as well as her voice.
That is cool that I have some idea of Hannah's appearance.
God bless,
Hi Mel,
Glad you like it as well, we can thank Candice for that one, she always has great music worked into her blog. Gotta figger out how to do that. :)
Hi Joseph,
She is pretty and I watched other You-tube videos trying to figure out a bit more about her. She is so filled with joy she would make Mel seem sad :) Just kidding Mel.
But it was delightful to listen to the way she laughs so easily, was a time when I did as well, been a while I hate to admitt.
Your elephant stories help though.
God bless,
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