Wednesday, February 25, 2015

  "If you have spent most of your time in school, learning life from books and your solitary meditations on morality, poetry, and theology; you will find as you go out into the world that you have formed a wrong measure of men and things, unless you correct what you've learned by careful experience and mixed observation.
You will raise your standard of men's character much too high at first: and then from disappointed expectations, it will sink too low afterwards.
After all has been read and studied about men, we are better off if we wait and see what things are instead of trying to anticipate the results. You know more of a road by having travelled it than by all the opinions and descriptions in the world. You will find the business of life conducted on a much more varied and individual scale than you would expect. People will be concerned about a thousand things that you have no idea or interest in, and they will be utterly indifferent to what you have the greatest interest in.
You will find good and evil, folly and discretion, more mingled, and the shades of character running more into each other than they do in the psychology charts.
No one is equally wise or guarded at all points, and it is seldom that any one is a complete fool." William Hazlitt.

I think the same principles apply to the spiritual graces as this quote by Thomas Brooks illustrates.

“It is a hard thing, if possible, to find a soul that is generally rich; that is rich in every grace, that is rich in faith, and rich in wisdom, and rich in love, and rich in patience etc. Abraham was rich in faith, and Job was rich in patience, and Moses was rich in meekness, and David was rich in zeal; but none of these were rich in every grace. And so in these days you may find one Christian rich in one grace, and another Christian that is rich in another grace; but where will you find a Christian that is rich in every grace? Such that are rich in some graces, are yet very defective and lame in other graces. The saints once at Rome were richer in wisdom and knowledge than the saints at Thessalonica, and the saints at Thessalonica were richer in faith, love, patience and charity than the saints at Rome." 

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