Suppose one of your little children of three or four were crying for the coat of her sister who is twelve or perhaps twenty, and said, 'Why may not I have a coat as long as my sister's?' If she had it, it would soon trip up her heels, and scratch her face. But when the child comes to understanding, she is not discontented because her coat is not as long as her sister's, but says, 'my coat fits me,' and therein she is content. So if we come to understanding in the school of Christ we will not cry, Why have I not got such wealth as other's have?, but, The Lord sees that I am not able to manage it and I see it myself by knowing my own heart. There are some children who, if they see a knife, will cry for it because they do not know their strength and that they are not able to manage it, but you know they are not able to manage it and therefore you will not give it them, and when they come to sufficient understanding, they will not cry for it.
Similarly we would not cry for some things if we knew that we were not able to manage them.
When you vex and fret for what you have not got, I may say to you as Christ said, 'You know not of what spirit you are.'
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) Photo by Harnois Yves
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:6-8
What sweet freedom it is to be able to be happy with what we have. I'm going to read this post to my kids. :)
This advice will give great solace and peace of mind to people who are discontented and frustrated with what they have and are jealous of Tom, Dick and Harry who are doing better in life.
At the same time everyone should continuously strive to improve their position in life by honest, sicere hard work.
Have a good day!
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